House Modern V4 Carriço Pombal - swimming pool, garage, balconies, balcony, terrace, garden, terraces, solar panels
Inmueble de lujo
Chalet / Casa T4
Carriço, Leiria
€ 810.000
Plot of land with 1115sqm Zona Complexo Desportivo Santo Onofre Caldas da Rainha
Disponible para permuta
Zona Complexo Desportivo, Leiria
€ 300.000
House Isolated V7 Costa de Prata Santo Onofre Caldas da Rainha - garden, attic, plenty of natural light, terrace, garage, fireplace
Chalet / Casa T7
Costa de Prata, Leiria
€ 470.000
Apartment nuevo T3+1 Pombal - garage, swimming pool, turkish bath, balconies, balcony, solar panels
Apartamiento T3+1
Pombal, Leiria
€ 295.000
Home V4 Old spacious Carvide Leiria
Chalet / Casa T4
Carvide, Leiria
€ 140.000
Shop Equipped Marinha Grande - air conditioning, terrace, kitchen,
Tienda >T9
Marinha Grande, Leiria
€ 980.000
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